Saturday, January 14, 2006

first meeting news!

anyone who chooses to know and show:
meeting is still on at the sub (same time same place).

in addition to this: since there are multiple members of the group who shall be having birthdays within a short time period, since we have been missing each other and our general silliness, since we do not have school that day, and most importantly of all since i have been wanting corrino's food somethin' fierce for well over a week now-- i think we should meet up at corrino's before the meeting at a time to be determined.

please call or post or e-mail me with what you think about me suggestion.

oh-- and on actual meeting business, if you have actually been working on anything over the break or before, if you have anything you'd like to share, goals you want to achieve, places you'd like to see us go, ideas you have, anything, anything at all-- please please please bring it in and share. please force us to acknowledge you and it, and of course let's kick ass.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh, to be honest I'm really no in the mood for any kind of "fancy" place for this thing. *Shrugs* Whatever though.

2:35 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

D'ye mean Johnny Carinos? 'Cos I am THERE like a thing that is THERE.

I have presentsesssss for all involved, also a Big Damn Novel that I intend on writin'. Acknowledge me!!!!

11:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

^-^ Shiny is good. Just have to figure out how to get from being a thing that is HERE to a thing that is THERE. Hmmm....

12:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My speshul webnovel spot:

9:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is my story blog. I am Greg. I am Taranabug. I am WizardryUSA. I am not Nancy, and she is not a spare personality of mine. Here is the url incase this post doens't work the way I intend it to:

It is a friends-view, friends-comment only journal. Let me know if you are a friend of mine, otherwise you are the scum of the earth and don't deserve a portion of my highly divided attention.

Thank you for my insanity. Good bye.

10:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I just posted a public post on my page click "that guy"name to get there. The post explains what you need to do for me to be cleared for viewing the journal. This way all of illiteratti can see my endless thoughtless mental processes. Have fun!

7:11 PM


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